[Nottingham] ZX Spectrum Next

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Tue Apr 25 13:44:15 UTC 2017

On 25/04/17 12:22, VM via Nottingham wrote:
> On 25 April 2017 11:28:46 BST, Jason Irwin via Nottingham <nottingham at mailman.lug.org.uk> wrote:
>> https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1835143999/zx-spectrum-next

> wow! 7MHz and 512Kb (is that kilobits?) for the price of 10 Raspberry Pi's.
> imho, they've got really big existential voids...

Beautifully put together and there's a very sexy looking Spartan6 FPGA
in the middle there that might be subvertable to be other than just a
"Z80"... (A little surprised they haven't gone with one of the Z180+
later expanded Z80 versions.)

If you are assuming a RasPi-Zero, then that is x35 the price of a
(minimum spec) RasPi. You still need to add case, keyboard, storage,
plus various bits for a usable RasPi...

But hey, this is all a very different use case :-P

And just look what has happened to the new-look BBC computers of old?...

Good luck and hopefully all without the in-fighting of that other
Spectrum revamp adventure...

(Sexy though it looks, I've already got enough old computer junk! :-P )


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