[Nottingham] Miss netbooks? Think they were maybe too bulky?
martin at ml1.co.uk
Wed Feb 15 12:52:37 UTC 2017
On 15/02/17 12:41, VM via Nottingham wrote:
> To me screens smaller than 10" are not usable for any work.
Which is where I've had dreams of instead using a small portable
projector to display a 'screen' onto a table surface.
However... That is not practical for use on such as trains and planes
due to being overlooked and for often being far too cramped. Also, the
ever tightening security concerns will soon be completely banning big
batteries and 'strange' equipment...
How soon for a VR-style *discrete* visor to project HDMI direct onto
your retinas?...
All in a virtual world!
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