[Nottingham] [Social] *TODAY* 7:30pm Thursday 06/07/2017: A Malt Cross to Tuk Tuk
martin at ml1.co.uk
Fri Jul 7 15:11:07 UTC 2017
That all worked well for a good varied evening:
The Malt Cross was it's usual splendor with added Chinese lanterns and
booming rotating vinyl DJs for added atmosphere for the night.
Boris found us just in the nanosecond as we made our move to Tuk Tuk.
And Tuk Tuk is indeed Chutney Jacks remade into something clean and new
and somewhat less rowdy 'street food' than the Zaap 'street food'. We
enjoyed some good food and good service for a very enjoyable evening.
(Not sure what the 'street food' bit describes but it makes for some
form of Marketing fun/branding/differentiation/whatever.)
We even had extra atmospherics from a monsoon downpour that was timed
beautifully to start as we settled into our food, and to finish timely
for us to wander on out into a city never before seen so clean! Quite a
giggle to see the myriad of techniques employed by those unfortunates
that ignored the runes of Something-Very-Tropical about to deluge upon
After giggles, we then were to be found ensconced in the Roundhouse
until the witching hour. We even had a very merry red-head who looked to
be staying until some time later to render some very cinematic cackles
of laughter. Thankfully, we didn't see anything of any accompanying
thunder and lightning. (The city was already clean enough thank you very
much global warming! :-P )
And so for our next adventures in and about Linux:
Talk: 7:30pm *Thursday 20th July* at The Angel Microbrewery
Social: 7:30pm *Thursday 3rd August* /somewhere/ up in the
Nether-regions of some Northern part of Nottingham (so that John doesn't
have to walk so far! :-P )
Watch the maillist for details nearer the time :-)
(The website may or may not be ahead of time... ;-) )
All welcome along!
On 06/07/17 13:08, Martin via Nottingham wrote:
> Folks,
> *TODAY* 7:30pm Thursday 06/07/2017:
> In the week of Indian-style heat :-)
> and hopefully all free of monsoon... :-P
> We have the cool Victorian splendor with live music in the
> Malt Cross, to then enjoy some most splendid newly available
> nearby Tuk Tuk food :-)
>> All with the most splendid of Linux company as always ;-)
>> *TODAY* 7:30pm Thursday 06/07/2017
>> A Malt Cross to Tuk Tuk
>> http://nottingham.lug.org.uk/event/a-malt-cross-to-tuk-tuk
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