[Nottingham] [Talk] *TODAY* 7:30pm Thursday 16/03/2017: Linux Limits

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Thu Mar 16 13:52:23 UTC 2017


*TODAY* 7:30pm Thursday 16/03/2017:

> *Linux Limits*
> http://nottingham.lug.org.uk/event/linux-limits
> Why does it always seem to take far too long for any computer to boot
> and to come to life?
> When is your shopping list too big? (Or too small?)
> When does Linux as we know it run out of bits?...

(And how long will it take for 500 GBytes tonight?... ;-) )

> All welcome for some fun views and notes on the numbers that shape Linux
> and computing as we know it! :-P
> All at our usual Angel Microbrewery.

All welcome :-)

See ya there!


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