[Nottingham] Smart Meters
martin at ml1.co.uk
Wed May 31 20:41:35 UTC 2017
Hash: SHA1
On 31/05/17 17:53, J via Nottingham wrote:
> Any new info on how good/bad these are?
> Not worried about the WiFi raditions disturbing my chakra alignment
> or anything, more concerned about it the security is up to snuff,
> are they patched, reliability of readings etc.
> Some of the results I can find on "The Register" don't exactly fill
> me with joy, but I not sure if El Reg is always reliable itself.
> https://www.theregister.co.uk/2017/03/06/smart_meters_prove_dim/
> https://www.theregister.co.uk/2017/04/27/oz_smart_meter_leaders_lag_in_securing_devices/
> Thoughts?
Just my personal opinion as always:
- From what I see of them, they are poorly implemented to use sloppy
non-standards, they are overly expensive, and they are liable to leave
you needlessly exposed to disruption and extra costs and possibly even
Also, from my electronics background, I have a suspicion that the
suppliers will have gone crude and cheap on the digital integrating
for the current and voltage measurement to then overestimate your
usage. Likely, the system is only just 'good enough' if you are
running an always-on electric heater. However, the integration
measurement may then become ever more 'inaccurate' for real-world
reactive switched loads such as electronics, electric cookers, and
your humble dodgy-ballast-capacitor fridge and other typically lax
designed electrical goods. (Sample a switching transient and yae:
You've /really/ measured 200 Amps at 900 Volts for really a full 100
millisecond sample time?...! For possibly a small exaggeration of
multiple puns... :-( )
I'm also suspicious of how much energy they waste by being yet another
"always-on" piece of electronics kit that you have to pay for...
Some more links to try are:
smart meters likely to be 'a costly failure' – MPs
No one’s noticed, but the Tories are quietly killing off the smart
meter revolution
SSE customers charged up to £33,000 a day by faulty smart meters
Even more silly:
My understanding is that if you have a smart meter and you change your
supplier, then you need to install their particular smart meter anew!
OK... So for my own personal take on the game... I'm holding off for
the time being. I'm keeping with the fundamental reliability of the
integrating inertia of the long time proven £15-ish of spinning
magnetic induction disk.
(Mine's a modern one with cogs and rolling digits :-) )
I'm changing supplier and: My new supplier doesn't operate with smart
meters due to a lack of interfacing with the plethora of the 'main
suppliers' *different* smart meter systems!
Then again... How long before monopoly practices sneak in a few
pricing 'incentives' to get you smart to then some time later apply
new cost structures? Go veggie rather than suffer the new surcharge
for cooking meat at tea time??...
Good luck?
- --
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