[Nottingham] [Talk] *TODAY* 7:30pm Thursday 16/11/2017: An Example of Developing or Bash-ing?

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Thu Nov 16 14:26:19 UTC 2017


*TODAY* 7:30pm Thursday 16/11/2017:

>> An Example of Developing or Bash-ing?
>> Or:
>> A story of Creating, Developing, Refactoring, Testing, Evolving...
>> Or:
>> How can a 'simple one-liner' take *ALL WEEK* ?!...
>> It all started with the simple wish to chart the temperature of a few
>> disk drives... ;-)
>> For a fun story of (one microcosm of) real-world IT:
>> *All welcome 7:30pm this Thursday* 16/11/2017;

All at our usual *Roundhouse, Nottingham*

Just look for the penguins and geekery and Linux upon one of the centre
tables. (Suitable for the technical and non-technical alike.)

See y'all there :-)


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- ║   Martin Lomas    ║ OpenPGP (GPG/PGP) Public Key: 0xCEE1D3B7 ║
- ║ martin@ ml1 co uk ║ Import from   hkp://subkeys.pgp.net   or ║
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