[Nottingham] [Social] *Tomorrow* Thursday 29/03/2018: Beeston Blue Moon Beers

Jason Irwin jasonirwin73 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 29 10:34:41 UTC 2018

On 28/03/18 20:37, John wrote:
> Used to like Notes, but we're now moving to Office 365.
Poor you.

Since moving to O365 my PC has become basically unusable.
An ancient Core 2 Duo can get going faster and run smoother than an i7 infected with O365.

I have a batch file to launch VMs, Outlook etc and I now have to run that then walk the dogs.
When I come back (20-30 minutes later) Outlook is STILL loading!
Typing is horrendous, expect your letters to be about 3 seconds behind the keystroke.
Next up is the utter abomination that is Skype for Business, it's random inability to contact Exchange, locking-up and so on.
And woe betide you if you need to import a CSV. Remember the old Excel dialog that was vaguely useful? That's gone, it's all automatic and wrong 75% of the time.

Meanwhile, LibreOffice just gets better and better.

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