[Nottingham] [Talk] *TODAY* 7:30pm 17/05/2018: Software Freedom, Money, and Proprietary, and What Next!
martin at ml1.co.uk
Thu May 17 12:11:12 UTC 2018
*TODAY* 7:30pm 17/05/2018
*Software Freedom, Money, and Proprietary, and What Next* !
> Just for fun ( :-P ) for our talk/discussion, we enjoy a real
> roller-coaster ride to whiz through the fun of how we got to the modern
> day computing we know today, revelling in the antics of the various Big
> Boys! We also have the elephant of Social Media, The 'Cloud', and
> 'others'. And there is also FLOSS...
> Over beer, we share some ideas of:
> *What Next* ?!
> We have a fantastic history here, but where is it going?
> All welcome at our favoured venue of:
> 7:30pm Thursday 17/05/2018
> ==========================
> *Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem*
> 1 Brewhouse Yard
> Nottingham, NG1 6AD
> Phone:
> 0115 9473171
> We have the ground floor (apt-ly haunted :-) ) snug room.
> Just ask the friendly bar staff for Linux or follow the Penguins!
> Some of us will be there earlier for some of their fine food and warmth.
All welcome! :-)
See ya there,
> For just some of the rich history of FLOSS[*] and including some of the
> inevitable rivalry:
> * FLOSS: Free/Libre Open Source Software
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_and_open-source_software#FLOSS
> Free software means the users have the freedom to run, copy, distribute,
> study, change and improve the software.
> http://www.gnu.org/
> "GNU, which stands for Gnu's Not Unix, is the name for the complete
> Unix-compatible software system which I am writing so that I can give it
> away free to everyone who can use it."
> -- Richard Stallman
> "If Microsoft ever does applications for Linux it means I've won."
> -- Linus Torvalds
> 1984:
> A gifted developer and prickly, uncompromising individual, Stallman quit
> his job at the MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab in 1984 to found what he
> considered to be a social movement guided by ethical principles. He set
> forth those goals in the GNU Manifesto...
> 1991:
> What would you like to see most in minix?
> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/comp.os.minix/dlNtH7RRrGA/SwRavCzVE7gJ
> "... I'm doing a (free) operating system (just a hobby, won't be big and
> professional like gnu) for 386(486) AT clones. This has been brewing
> since april, and is starting to get ready..."
> 1991:
> Stallman and his collaborators had conjured an entire free operating
> system: GNU/Linux
> See:
> The history of Linux: how time has shaped the penguin
> https://www.techradar.com/news/software/operating-systems/the-history-of-linux-how-time-has-shaped-the-penguin-1113914
> 2001:
> Ballmer: “Linux is a cancer”
> http://www.theregister.co.uk/2001/06/02/ballmer_linux_is_a_cancer/
> MS Linux: Shipping in November 2003
> http://mslinux.org/
> 2007:
> Microsoft takes on the free world - Microsoft claims that free software
> like Linux, which runs a big chunk of corporate America, violates 235 of
> its patents. It wants royalties from distributors and users. Users like
> you...
> http://archive.fortune.com/magazines/fortune/fortune_archive/2007/05/28/100033867/index.htm
> "... The conflict pits Microsoft and its dogged CEO, Steve Ballmer,
> against the "free world" - people who believe software is pure
> knowledge. The leader of that faction is Richard Matthew Stallman, a
> computer visionary with the look and the intransigence of an Old
> Testament prophet..."
> 2008:
> Meet Bill Gates, the Man Who Changed Open Source Software
> https://www.wired.com/2012/01/meet-bill-gates/
> "... At the invitation of the company's chief legal minds – Smith and
> Gutierrez – Ramji sat down with Gates, chief software architect Ray
> Ozzie, and a few others to discuss whether Microsoft could actually
> start using open source software. Ramji and Ozzie were on one side of
> the argument, insisting that Microsoft embrace open source, and
> Gutierrez offered a legal framework that could make that possible. But
> other top executives strongly challenged the idea.
> Then Bill Gates stood up.
> He walked to the whiteboard and drew a diagram of how the system could
> work, from copyrights to code contribution to patents, and he said – in
> no uncertain terms – that the company had to make the move..."
> 2013:
> Linus Torvalds: I will not change Linux to “deep-throat Microsoft”
> https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2013/02/linus-torvalds-i-will-not-change-linux-to-deep-throat-microsoft/
> 2013:
> The father of Linux, Linus Torvalds, once said, 'If Microsoft ever does
> applications for Linux it means I've won.' Microsoft yesterday released
> one of its cash cows, Microsoft Office, for Android. Since Microsoft has
> a very vague idea of what users want and is suffering from lock-in, the
> app is just an Android front end of Office 365 and is accessible only by
> the paid users...
> https://linux.slashdot.org/story/13/08/01/1413252/with-microsoft-office-on-android-has-linus-torvalds-won
> 2015:
> Microsoft Loves Linux
> https://cloudblogs.microsoft.com/windowsserver/2015/05/06/microsoft-loves-linux/
> "... Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella put up a slide proclaiming “Microsoft ♥
> Linux”. Wow! What a great slide and what a change for Microsoft!..."
> 2015:
> Microsoft has developed its own Linux. Repeat. Microsoft has developed
> its own Linux - Redmond reveals Azure Cloud Switch, its in-house
> software-defined networking OS
> https://www.theregister.co.uk/2015/09/18/microsoft_has_developed_its_own_linux_repeat_microsoft_has_developed_its_own_linux/
> Microsoft Built Its Own Linux Because Everyone Else Did
> https://www.wired.com/2015/09/microsoft-built-linux-everyone-else/
> 2016:
> Microsoft embraces Linux -- way too late
> https://www.infoworld.com/article/3050845/microsoft-windows/microsoft-embraces-linux-way-too-late.html
> "... we found out Microsoft was offering SQL Server running on Linux.
> Then at Build last week, Microsoft introduced “native Ubuntu Linux
> binaries running on Windows” and treated us to a demo of Bash on
> Windows 10.
> The fact that Microsoft now supports SQL Server on Linux isn’t really a
> technical development -- it’s a business move..."
> 2016:
> Yes, that's Linus Torvalds happily chatting with Microsoft folks at a
> tech conference
> http://uk.businessinsider.com/linus-torvalds-happily-chatting-with-microsoft-2016-8?r=US&IR=T
> Enjoy! :-)
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