[Phpwm] Trying to include one file in another

Jono Bacon jonobacon at gmail.com
Sat Dec 10 11:50:04 GMT 2005

On 12/9/05, Simon Ferré <simon.ferre at glowinternet.net> wrote:
> Hi all
> I am trying to include one page in another, but I get a discrepancy.
> The original page is
> http://www.pdinfo.co.uk/links/index.php and I am including
> it in http://www.pdinfo.co.uk/links.php.  As you can see,
> the original page works by itself, but once included, it does not connect to
> the database and display the correct information.

Looks fine here. Did you manage to fix it?

Also, you may find it useful in future posts to include snippets of
PHP code - this makes it easier for us to determine what the problem
is. :)


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