[Phpwm] How to insert record into a database?

Phil Beynon phil at infolinkelectronics.co.uk
Fri Apr 21 20:39:37 BST 2006

> Hi all,
> Revisiting my previous issue with the database, I have another
> question.  As
> we all agreed, the database schematic for this database (I have includes
> table structure at the end of the email) is a bit convoluted (and I am a
> tinker, not an expert).  I am trying to figure out how to run
> basic insert,
> update, delete queries on this database.:
> So, for example if I want to insert a new record into a database, I would
> use:
> INSERT into table (address) VALUES (‘123 main street’);
> Right?
> But the following structure has data not in the field (e.g. address), but
> rather in an attribute (is that the right jargon?) within the field
> (en_listingsdbelements).  So if I wanted to insert ‘123 main street’ into
> address, how would I do that?
> mysql> describe en_listingsdbelements;
> +--------------------------------+-------------+------+-----+-----
> ----+----------------+
> | Field                          | Type        | Null | Key | Default |
> Extra          |
> +--------------------------------+-------------+------+-----+-----
> ----+----------------+
> | listingsdbelements_id          | int(11)     |      | PRI | NULL    |
> auto_increment |
> | listingsdbelements_field_name  | varchar(80) |      | MUL |
>     |
>            |
> | listingsdbelements_field_value | text        |      | MUL |
>     |
>            |
> | listingsdb_id                  | int(11)     |      | MUL | 0
>     |
>            |
> | userdb_id                      | int(11)     |      |     | 0
>     |
>            |
> +--------------------------------+-------------+------+-----+-----
> ----+----------------+
> mysql> select * from  en_listingsdbelements;
> +-----------------------+-------------------------------+---------
-----------------------+---------------> +-----------+
> | listingsdbelements_id | listingsdbelements_field_name |
> listingsdbelements_field_value | listingsdb_id | userdb_id |
> +-----------------------+-------------------------------+---------
-----------------------+---------------> +-----------+
> |                  1828 | mls                           |
>              |            17 |         1 |
> |                  1827 | status                        | Active
>              |            17 |         1 |
> |                  1826 | prop_tax                      |
>              |            17 |         1 |
> |                  1825 | lot_size                      |
>              |            17 |         1 |
> |                  1824 | sq_feet                       |
>              |            17 |         1 |
> |                  1823 | year_built                    |
>              |            17 |         1 |
> |                  1822 | floors                        |
>              |            17 |         1 |
> |                  1821 | baths                         |
>              |            17 |         1 |
> |                  1820 | beds                          |
>              |            17 |         1 |
> |                  1819 | full_desc                     |
>              |            17 |         1 |
> |                  1818 | price                         |
>              |            17 |         1 |
> |                  1817 | neighborhood                  |
>              |            17 |         1 |
> |                  1816 | country                       |
>              |            17 |         1 |
> |                  1815 | zip                           | H3A 1Y1
>              |            17 |         1 |
> |                  1814 | state                         | Quebec
>              |            17 |         1 |
> |                  1813 | city                          |
> Montréal
>              |            17 |         1 |
> |                  1812 | garage_size                   |
>              |            17 |         1 |
> |                  1811 | address                       | 3459
> Rue McTavish
>              |            17 |         1 |
> |                  1810 | or_owner                      | 1
>              |            17 |         1 |
> |                  1809 | mlsexport                     | no
>              |            17 |         1 |
> +-----------------------+-------------------------------+---------
-----------------------+---------------> +-----------+
> Thanks,
> Ray

If you are unhappy about command line mysql entry then this could be a good
time to ask whoever owns the server if it has a program called PHPMyadmin
available on there, you would find this much easier to work with, you can
edit records just as boxes on the screen.


Phil Beynon
Sales director

** http://www.diygear.com THE Online DIY Toolstore For DIY & Business
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