[Phpwm] Request for talks for the first PHPWM meeting on 11th May

David Goodwin david at codepoets.co.uk
Wed Apr 26 13:08:32 BST 2006

Jono Bacon wrote :
> Hi all,
> Right, we are drawing closer to our rather exciting first physical
> meeting on Thu 11th May at OpenAdvantage in Birmingham.
> Now, we are a community of PHP users and fans, and I am looking for
> three of you to volunteer to do a short (10 - 15mins) talk on
> something you are interested in. This could be anything really, but
> likely topics are PHP, SQL, HTML, RSS, Ajax, writing valid code, web
> development concepts, certification, IDEs etc.
> Dave Goodwin has already stepped forward to do a talk on Smarty, so we
> now need three other people to have a nice selection of quick, sharp
> and interesting talks.
> Any volunteers?

Ergh. Not wanting to appear too eager in 'class', but I can (if prodded
hard enough and supplied with enough motivation) do :

 * SQL (Easily PEAR or the inbuilt functions, perhaps PDO if I bother 
    looking into it)
 * Unit Testing (SimpleTest, although you'd be better off buying the next
    LinuxUser&Developer as I should have an article in there 
    covering this)
 * AJAX (basic-ish) (Field validation in a form using sajax, or
    an auto-complete like thing). 

 * Security (SQL Injection and XSS - what they are, how to defeat it)

However, I'd rather not be the only one talk... hopefully there is
plenty I can learn from everyone else (for all I know, I'm the 'thick'
kid in the class anyway).


(Yeah, it's probably not PC to say "'thick' kid" these days....)

David Goodwin 

[ david at codepoets dot co dot uk ]
[ http://www.codepoets.co.uk       ]

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