[Phpwm] My site/admin project

Elliot Smith elliot at townx.org
Fri Dec 15 11:38:17 GMT 2006

Chris Allen wrote:
> Hi guys, this is just an update just to show you my personal project 
> that I'm working on. I know a while back a lot of us agreed that we 
> seemed to be working on a similar thing, ie. a 'content management 
> framework.'
Hi Chris,

I'm interested to know why you decided to go down this route, rather 
than use a system like Drupal? I could do pretty much everything your 
framework does (after a cursory look at the demo) with a 5-minute Drupal 
install; plus I could add the features you've described within a few 
more minutes. True, some CMSs like Joomla! are inflexible, and don't 
give you much control; but Drupal (being PHP/MySQL-based) strikes the 
right balance for me between providing some structure and retaining 
flexibility; plus it has the best API (barring Plone) of any of the 
systems I've seen, so it's easy to extend.

Any thoughts on this?


> Its still very rough and I have a lot to do, but I thought I'd show 
> it. Its all 'supposed' to be valid XHTML and is still 'unstyled' apart 
> from the basic layout. I have built it using codeigniter, and I have 
> made the code modular and tidy ( for me! ).
> Things I need to add are:
> *Email newsletter functionality, integrated with the contacts list.
> *A category/subcategory management system. - There will be a nested 
> <ul> navigation section on the front end, and I will style it with CSS 
> to create drop-downs.
> *I also need to merge some of the classes further, as at present the 
> page,contact & user sections use pretty much identical code for the 
> database actions,pagination & display, and this could be combined 
> further I feel.
> After that, I pretty much have a barebones site package, that I can 
> customise quickly for a range of clients, hurrah!
> The next phase is an e-commerce section, which should just 'tack on' ;-)
> ADMIN: http://www.cms.istl.com/index.php/admin
> ( username = chris, password = password )
> http://www.cms.istl.com/

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