[Phpwm] AJAX Training

Keith Pope keith at clevercherry.com
Mon Feb 20 13:21:56 GMT 2006

Hehe yes don't just follow the crowd!

Another thing that got me thinking the other day was reports that
Microsoft had removed all the CSS hacks in IE 7, I am glad I never used
them hehe.

But it's a good example as why not to just follow current trends!!


-----Original Message-----
From: phpwm-bounces at mailman.lug.org.uk
[mailto:phpwm-bounces at mailman.lug.org.uk] On Behalf Of Iain Wallace
Sent: 20 February 2006 13:15
To: phpwm at mailman.lug.org.uk
Subject: Re: [Phpwm] AJAX Training

> what I can offer is some more general advice.  If the project doesn't 
> need Ajax don't use it.  Many ajax apps are just ticking boxes in 
> bullshit bingo and the interface would be better without the crud.
Halleilujiah! Allow me to high-five you across the mailing list: o/\o

<snip other sensible stuff>

There aren't enough people criticising AJAX at the moment. It's a great
technique, but people are just throwing it at their projects with wild
abandon just to see which bits stick.

Personally I find it much more satisfying to write a really sweet web
app that will work just as well in lynx and my phone as it will in
current browser versions. Yes, cake the app in fancy CSS tricks and
sprinkle on some AJAX fairy-dust, but don't make it an obligation to
have to use it.


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