[Phpwm] Warning : Page expired message

Stephen Parkes sparkes at westmids.biz
Sun Jun 11 19:19:39 BST 2006

On 6/11/06, sukh virdee <sukh_virdee at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I've been searching around for the solution to stop displaying the "warning:
> page expired" page when clicking the browser back or forward button in IE.
> I've found a number of solutions with regards to setting the cache limit or
> using GET instead of POST etc.

Mmmm, I had this exact problem when a customer wanted this solved a
couple of years back but I can't remember what I did to solve it.

google the If-None-Match and If-modified-since headers and try setting
them that's the first thing that comes to mind so that might have at
least formed part of my original solution.

> Is there a fullproof solution to this problem? Without having to use GET.

Bomb Redmond and then insist everyone installs Mozilla ;)

Steve 'sparkes' Parkes - tshirts http://nerd.ws - code http://zx-81.com
   Autistic LUG http://autisticlug.org - blog http://sp.arkes.co.uk

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