[Phpwm] Next Meeting : 6th July @ 19:00 (OpenAdvantage) - Marcus Baker

David Goodwin david at codepoets.co.uk
Fri Jun 23 16:26:10 BST 2006


I/we are hoping that the next meeting will be on the 6th of July at Open 
Advantage (Broad Street, Birmingham).
Hopefully there will be a buffet :-)

Marcus Baker (http://www.lastcraft.com) will be presenting one or two 
talks on OO and Agile development (see below).

** Could people please express interest/preferences in the below talks, 
to give Marcus an idea of what would be well received.**

To quote Marcus's previous email :


Would the West Midland PHP'ers be interesting in hosting one or both
talks? The titles are...

"The OO sound barrier": The confusion when encountering objects, both
individually and within the wider community, and what we should do about it.

"Is agile right for you?": A pretty advanced talk on project management.
  The different methodology angles are explained and a sense making
framework (yer' what?) is applied to determine their applicability.

Both are about 50 minutes and the second one is a little interactive.

Personally, I'd like to hear both of Marcus's talks, but it might make 
for a long meeting.


(The two hopefully's refer to the fact that the room isn't yet properly 
booked into Open Advantage's calendar, so there's a small chance that 
the time/date etc will change.).

David Goodwin

[ david at codepoets dot co dot uk ]
[ http://www.codepoets.co.uk       ]

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