[Phpwm] PHP4 Upgrade Help Needed!

Rob Allen rob at akrabat.com
Fri May 12 15:27:13 BST 2006

pete graham wrote:
> I am trying to persuade my people at work (namely my boss) that we
> should upgrade our servers from PHP4 to PHP5. 
> Although I know they are many very good technical reasons for upgrading
> that seem obvious to programmers I am finding it's a quite difficult
> convincing management types that it needs doing.

The only way to convince management types if it results in a cost saving
usually via faster development or less bugs to fix..

> When is PHP4 support finishing? I thought I could use this as part of a
> convincing argument. 

I think PHP4 will be supported for quite a while yet.

> Are they any major security issues that have been fixed in php5? 


> Any other suggestions would be appreciated.

The main advantages of PHP5.1 over PHP4 are:
1. Much improved Object Model
	* reference handling
	* access modifiers
	* interfaces
	* abstract classes/methods
	* class constants
	* static methods
2. PDO (fast db abstraction)
3. SimpleXML (easier XML)
4. Exceptions (different error handling :) )

If you don't need those, then there's not a lot of point in upgrading.

Personally, I think that the improved Object Model makes it a must have



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