[Phpwm] Php Script

Phil Beynon phil at infolinkelectronics.co.uk
Wed May 24 10:40:15 BST 2006

    Hi There,
    Im new to php ive just completed a 2 day course at open advantage and im
a bit stuck.
    i am after a php script to create directories from A05816 TO A10210
including all in between. apparently i need to use loops but didnt' cover it
properly as it was only a 2 day course.
    Any help??
    its not too difficult to do, but why do you need a script that is going
to create getting on for 4400 directories?
  'Cos it beats doing it by hand! ;o)

  Well yes!
  It wasn't quite I was meaning though, in that in all the sites I've done
I've never needed more than a handfull or so of directories created.
  I was thinking more that as Liam said he had only just started doing PHP
that maybe he was trying to reference something that he was going to put
into these directories that could be better referenced either via a flatfile
or a MySQL database.


  Phil Beynon
  Sales director

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