[Phpwm] [OT] Any ideas how to do this?

Phil Beynon phil at infolinkelectronics.co.uk
Thu May 25 20:23:13 BST 2006

> > I have two text boxes within a form and a radio button.
> > There is a ratio between the values of the starting values within the  
> > text
> > boxes, which is actually the aspect ratio of an image. The function of  
> > the
> > radio button is to say overide the aspect ratio.
> >
> > If the radio button isn't set and one of the text box values is 
> altered I
> > want the value of the second box to alter to the same (interger value)
> > ratio. If the radio button is set I dont want the value of the second  
> > box to
> > alter.
> Hi,
> Some code for you at:
> http://www.phpwm.org/pastebin/index.php?id=49
> It assumes the text-areas have values in them to start with, and 
> initially  
> this is the ratio used for further changes.
> If you change one value with the checkbox unticked, then the ratio is  
> recalculated, so upon re-ticking it, this new ratio is used for  
> calculations (experiment and see if that doesn't make sense...).
> As one of the comments mentions, if this is going in anything 
> larger than  
> <something very small>, then using window.onload directly is 
> probably not  
> a good idea.
> Greg Jones

Cheers Greg,
That's actually very near what I wanted indeed. Is there a way of making it work both ways text1 -> text2 as now and also text2 -> text1 onchange?

Couple of oddities on it though that I noticed - 
On the default starting value of 300/200 if you put a leading zero in front of the 300 then the 200 drops to 128 for some reason.

If there is no content in text1 text2 says "NaN" for some reason!


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