[Phpwm] November Meeting

Phil Beynon phil at infolinkelectronics.co.uk
Mon Nov 20 22:55:40 GMT 2006

> > I should be there. I'll also be at the ICT cluster event at the
> > motorcycle museum if anyone wants a lift from there.
> In a similar vein, I shall be driving from south of Worcester tomorrow, if
> anyone needs a lift.
> D

Just as a matter of interest since the ICT thing finishes at about 4:30 to 5
whats everyone doing in the intervening 2 1/2 hours or so? :-)

I shall be the one at the ICT conference who isn't going to be wearing a
suit and will have black jeans and sandals on.

Last year I was quite possibly the only person there not wearing a suit, I
have no intention of altering that this year, so quite easy to spot.


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