[Phpwm] Following on from last nights meeting.....

Rob Allen rob at akrabat.com
Fri Oct 13 10:30:03 BST 2006

David Goodwin wrote:
> Hi,
> 1) Thanks to Jake + Greg @ Senokian for taking the time to talk/host the
> meeting.

Hear! hear!

> 2) At the beginning of Greg's talk, he briefly mentioned a framework
> they'd developed to handle persistence etc; this reminded me of one I'd
> recently come across, namely : Doctrine - http://www.phpdoctrine.com
> (At the time I couldn't remember the URL/name)

I've heard of doctrine - it's yet another thing on my list of things to
look at when I have spare time :)

> 4) Kat suggested (probably to stop me falling asleep while driving home)
> that we pick a simple application (whether blog, forum, or whatever) and
> go about coding it and then compare/constrast everyone's code/approach at
> $a_meeting. Any interest? 

That's a good idea! I'm up for it.



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