[Phpwm] updating an array

alan dunn alan at dunns.co.uk
Thu Oct 19 17:15:15 BST 2006

in response to Rob here is the entire loop:
there are a maximum of four products with varying quantities e1,q1, e2, 
q2, e3, q3, e4, q4

$prodarray = array();

// first iteration put first row values into array
        if($i == 1){
            $prodarray[$e1] = $q1;
            if(!empty($e2)){$prodarray[$e2] = $q2;}
            if(!empty($e3)){$prodarray[$e3] = $q3;}
            if(!empty($e4)){$prodarray[$e4] = $q4;}

// for debugging          
        } // end if $i = 1
        // Now go into second and subsequent iterations through sql output
        // put the values into a second array
        // and compare every value in second array with first array
        // if they match add quantity
        // if they don't add a new line to prodarray
        // build the array
            $secondarray = array();
            $secondarray [$e1] = $q1;
            if(!empty($e2)){$secondarray [$e2] = $q2;}
            if(!empty($e3)){$secondarray [$e3] = $q3;}
            if(!empty($e4)){$secondarray [$e4] = $q4;}
            // loop through second array
            foreach ($secondarray as $key2 => $qty2){
                // comparing values in first array   
                foreach ($prodarray as $key1 => $qty1){
                $match = 'f';                                   
                if($key1 == $key2){
                //echo"key1=$key1  qty1= $qty1 key2=$key2 qty2 = $qty2 
tot = $tot<br>
                //prodarraykey1 = $prodarray[$key1]<br> "; 
                $prodarray[$key1] = &$tot;   // here we have tried to 
use the & notation
                $tot = $tot + $qty2;
                $match = 't';}
                // if there is no match add the product to prodarray
                } // end foreach prodarray
            // if there was no match add a new line to prodarray -- this 
bit works!
            if($match == 'f'){$prodarray[$key2] = $qty2; }
            } // end for each second array
        } // end else

Rob Allen wrote:
> alan dunn wrote:
>> I am simply(!) trying to read through an array comparing the key with a
>> string (product code) and where I find a match add the corresponding
>> quantity to the existing quantity.
>> if($match) {$prodarray[$key1] = $prodarray[$key1] + $qty2; }
>> If I echo $prodarray[$key1] immediately after this line I get the
>> increased value. But after continuing to cycle through the array the
>> changed value is lost.
>> I have some recollection of a group discussion about arrays being read
>> into memory, or proxy values or some such? Can anyone shed light on how
>> I get that value into the array?
>> thanks, alan dunn
> Can you post the entire loop?
> Regards,
> Rob...
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