[Phpwm] updating an array
alan dunn
alan at dunns.co.uk
Fri Oct 20 12:16:08 BST 2006
Rob, thank you for the suggestion of using in_array. After a frustrating
couple of hours I found that in_array looks for a match on the array
element value, not the array key value. So then I tried to set up a two
dimensional array and tried to run in_array on that. I don't think
in_array runs against multi-dimension arrays (am I wrong?).
here is my prodarray after the first iteration:
Array ( [8x6_blue] => 2 [7x5_blue] => 4 [3x2_and_pass] => 4 [jobcard] =>
2 )
then my next line has quantity 3 of 8x6_blue
now I want to say if 8x6_blue is in_array prodarray (as a key value) add
3 to 2
but in_array is saying does 8x6_blue equal '2' or '4' or '4' or '2'
which of course it doesn't
I have tried other configurations but still without success
cheers, alan
Rob Allen wrote:
> alan dunn wrote:
>> in response to Rob here is the entire loop:
>> there are a maximum of four products with varying quantities e1,q1, e2,
>> q2, e3, q3, e4, q4
> [snip]
>> // loop through second array
>> foreach ($secondarray as $key2 => $qty2){
>> // comparing values in first array
>> foreach ($prodarray as $key1 => $qty1){
>> $match = 'f';
>> if($key1 == $key2){
>> //echo"key1=$key1 qty1= $qty1 key2=$key2 qty2 = $qty2
>> tot = $tot<br>
>> //prodarraykey1 = $prodarray[$key1]<br> ";
>> $prodarray[$key1] = &$tot; // here we have tried to use the & notation
>> $tot = $tot + $qty2;
>> $match = 't';}
>> // if there is no match add the product to prodarray
>> } // end foreach prodarray
>> // if there was no match add a new line to prodarray -- this
>> bit works!
>> if($match == 'f'){$prodarray[$key2] = $qty2; }
>> } // end for each second array
>> } // end else
> $match will always be 'f' at the if($match == 'f') statement, unless you
> happen to match key1 to key2 on the very last iteration through prodarray.
> You should move the $match='f' statement to outside the
> foreach($prodarray) loop. Also, set $match to false/true rather than the
> characters t and f.
> A much better way to handle that problem is to use in_array() rather
> than the inner foreach loop. Something like:
> // loop through second array
> foreach ($secondarray as $key => $qty)
> {
> if(in_array($key, $prodarray))
> {
> $prodarray[$key] += $qty;
> }
> else
> {
> $prodarray[$key] = $qty;
> }
> }
> Then you don't need to worry about $match at all and you save a PHP
> loop, so the code will be quicker.
> Regards,
> Rob...
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