[Phpwm] RE: hey guys and girls

Joel Stanford joel at joely.net
Mon Sep 4 19:08:00 BST 2006

Alan Pope wrote:

> please try that and report back.

With the URL http://wiki.phpwm.org/cgi-bin/test.pl?action=edit&id=MemberList
I just get the same message after repeating the steps :-(

| Editing not allowed: user, ip, network may be blocked or your ip is listed
on a DNSBL.
| Contact the wiki administrator for more information.

My IP is listed as a 'dynamic IP' on a few of the DNSBL databases - but
surely they shouldn't the spam blocking module thingies block edits for
that? :-/

(And P.S. to the earlier thread - I know it wasn't designed to exclude
Telewest customers, and may affect others - but so far I seem to be the only
unlucky one affected lol)



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