[Phpwm] Meeting: 14 September 2006, Worcester

Darren Beale public.darren.beale at siftware.co.uk
Sun Sep 10 22:34:46 BST 2006

> http://wiki.phpwm.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?Meeting2006September14

Thanks Rob,

I am firmly in the curry camp. It's not an inconsiderable effort for me to
get there and to do ho-hum Wetherspoons would certainly take the edge off
for me. If, however, that's the majority view then I'll still come along as
I'd like to put a few faces to names.

FWIW I went out with my local LUG last week for a curry in Malvern (spot the
trend) and it was a very enjoyable evening. Professional/geek talk and
random topics thrown in plus we managed to draw it out for some time without
the proprietor getting edgy. I imagine us continuing to purchase Cobra
helped in that regard. 



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