[Phpwm] Try out the New Wiki....

David Goodwin david at codepoets.co.uk
Fri Sep 15 13:12:03 BST 2006

> I'm reasonably happy to change over, although wouldn't 
> look forward to a couple of hours of cut+paste+reformatting, but if 
> there are a number of people who can't edit the wiki .....
> (docuwiki is written in PHP, while our current one is perl...)
Try out :

Login: username = phpwm, password = ilovephp

There is an admin user/password as well, which doesn't really give the user
much more configuration, but if someone wants it, let me know.

If we're generally happy with it, and once the content is copied
across (does anyone have a 'temp' handy?) I'll rejig apache and make it
the default site.


David Goodwin 

[ david at codepoets dot co dot uk ]
[ http://www.codepoets.co.uk       ]

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