[Phpwm] findopensourcesupport.com

Phil Beynon phil at infolinkelectronics.co.uk
Wed Aug 1 15:17:49 BST 2007

> Guys,
> Not sure why but a notice on the findopensourcesupport.com website
> reads:
> February 4, 2007
> The FindOpenSourceSupport.com website will likely be discontinued in
> July of this year. Until this decision is finalized, partners will be
> unable to purchase support profiles.
> hmm July?
> Tim.

I couldn't see where it said that?

I was more puzzled by the fact they had set a picture swap on the front page
and only bothered to have two pics to select from, which seemed strangely
and utterly pointless! :-)

I've had a bit of work / leads from http://www.firstratedirectory.co.uk/
though right now they seem to have stuff all on their database!


Phil Beynon
Sales & Operations Director

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