[Phpwm] youtube job requirements: senior web developer

pete graham petegraham1 at gmail.com
Fri Feb 9 14:38:14 GMT 2007

I'm not currently looking for a new job however I do like to read job
descriptions and requirements for PHP development positions just to
check that my skills set is up to date.

Youtube are looking at Hiring a Senior Web Developer:
The requirements for the job is one of the most comprehensive lists I
think that I have seen. Who on the list thinks they could honestly
"tick all the boxes" if they were applying for the position?

http://blog.petegraham.co.uk Peteamania :: Random Banter Blog
http://tech.petegraham.co.uk OptimusPete :: Tech/Geek Blog
http://phuser.com phuser :: Real Friends, Real Plans, Real Life

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