[Phpwm] Reporting Systems

Jake Stride jake.stride at senokian.com
Wed Feb 21 06:47:46 GMT 2007

On 21 Feb 2007, at 00:21, Ian Munday wrote:

> I am wondering what experience people have of integrating a  
> reporting system into a PHP web application...?
> The two options I'm considering are BIRT (http://www.eclipse.org/ 
> birt/) and JasperReports (http://jasperforge.org/sf/projects/ 
> jasperreports).  I *must* be able to use it from PHP (something I  
> see documentation on on the BIRT website).
> Has anyone any experience of these (or others)?  Any  
> recommendations / tips / pitfalls welcomed.

I am currently looking into the same thing myself. I have looked at  
both of those but in no detail, and also have the following on my  
list if it is of any help:

http://sourceforge.net/projects/repgen - php based report generator

http://datavision.sourceforge.net/ - java based, nice front end, can be
used as a web app

http://rlib.sicompos.com/ - c library with php bindings



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