[Phpwm] UK Conference site now up.

Marcus Baker marcus at lastcraft.com
Fri Jan 5 11:00:59 GMT 2007

Hi West Midlands people!

The UK conference site is now up at http://phpconference.co.uk/.

As usual it's a fifty quid job (seventy five on the day) single stream.

Cal Evans from Zend on mashups or maybe AJAX.
Graham Charters from IBM on SDO type stuff (heavy).
Kevlin Henney doing an object masterclass.
Rasmus Lerdorf who hasn't said what he's talking about yet.
Something wierd and wonderful.

As you can see the details are still being worked out ;).

To avoid the event being dominated by PHPLondon we are open to help.

We are actually paying people to help out this year and we need help on
the door and with advertising. Help on the door means that you sign
people in in the morning, probably missing the first talk. We do pay £25
per hour plus a free ticket though.

Another problem we have to solve is sound and video. We want someone to
record the event and (important) edit the resulting video into separate
downloadable talks. We are willing to pay a grand plus for this. Quality
is an important part of this aspect.

yours, Marcus
Marcus Baker
marcus at lastcraft.com

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