[Phpwm] Meeting + Semi Random Links + wiki details

David Goodwin david at codepoets.co.uk
Thu Jan 11 17:45:59 GMT 2007


I like lists....

Firstly, Kat was thinking of having a meeting next week (Broad St, 
Birmingham); but I think I convinced her it was too short notice 
(besides, the star attraction (Rob) wouldn't have much time to 
prepare!). So, it's likely we'll be having a meeting within the next 
couple of weeks... if anyone has a venue / date / time they'd prefer 
please speak up; else we'll end up picking something semi random 
sometime soon on IRC.

If Rob is going to do his talk at the next meeting, I suspect he may 
want to do a slideshow, which may rule out most/all pubs??

Secondly, some semi random useful links :

http://www.phppatterns.org - Patterns for development/design

Finally, if anyone wants to edit the wiki/website - 
http://www.phpwm.org; the username 'phpwm' and password 'ilovephp' still 
work..... :-)


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