[Phpwm] Thursday 25th Jan 2007 - Zend Framework, Presentation
Rayhan Abdulmughnee
rayhan at hotmail.com
Fri Jan 19 08:39:47 GMT 2007
Friday is better for me, I will attend if its on Friday.
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Subject: Re: [Phpwm] Thursday 25th Jan 2007 - Zend Framework, Presentation
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Jujhar Singh wrote:
>I'd love to come to the Zend framework presentation. I've even cancelled
>my Yoga class to attend this session.
>I've added my name to the list.
Right; considering the number of people who can't make it - would the 26th
(Friday) be better?
I've checked with Rob, who is happy to do Friday instead.
I can confirm the venue tomorrow when I visit there to finish the training
course we're giving.... if everyone could make the Friday, that would be
better :-)
(Is this good for you Jujhar? You can go to Yoga...)
David Goodwin
[ david at codepoets dot co dot uk ]
[ http://www.codepoets.co.uk ]
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