[Phpwm] subdomains & includes

Phil Beynon phil at infolinkelectronics.co.uk
Wed Jan 24 00:10:39 GMT 2007

> >On the main site if I do the include with the full url it sees the
> file, if I do echo "boo!"; in the page it does >this, so I know it sees
> the file.... but its not giving up any of the variable values when they
> get asked for.
> Check your php configuration and ensure allow_url_fopen is true.
> http://uk2.php.net/manual/en/ref.filesystem.php#ini.allow-url-fopen
> Jim

Yup allow_url_fopen is set to 'on', I've even set register_globals 'on' to
see if that was causing it.......


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