[Phpwm] pointer to php job at UCE

Paul Cooper pgc at openadvantage.org
Mon Jan 29 12:56:32 GMT 2007

The UCE are looking for a 'Senior Developer' to help develop and support their large Moodle installation, see


about halfway down that page. Although it's not explicitly mentioned anywhere I would have thought you'd need strong PHP & MySQL skills.

(note that although I work for the UCE, I'm not involved in this recruitment, and in fact wasn't aware of the position until a colleague pointed it out. Also, since I haven't been involved in recruitment for a while I hadn't noticed how rubbish our jobsite is - I can't even directly link to the job advert and all the forms etc are only available as .doc)


Paul Cooper                    |  Tel: 0121 634 1620
Assistant Director             |  Fax: 0121 634 1630
OpenAdvantage                  |  http://www.openadvantage.org

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