[Phpwm] [OT]Which Linux?

Phil Beynon phil at infolinkelectronics.co.uk
Tue Jul 31 03:43:58 BST 2007

> > I'm tempted towards the Fedora / red Hat side of things as thats what I
> > use on the servers. But on the other hand there's the should I learn
> > something new aspect.
> You could always get VMWare and run /whatever/ from your main
> machine which
> is presumably slightly more beefy.
> db

The main machine is certainly somewhat more beefy :-)
I suspect it could be quite an exercise to find and get working all the
drivers for some of the oddball peripherals I have hanging off it, it was
bad enough getting all working together under XP.


Phil Beynon
Sales & Operations Director

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