[Phpwm] Meeting - Tuesday 8th May - Coventry - Javascript

Peter Crouch pccrouch at bcs.org.uk
Fri May 4 11:18:48 BST 2007

David Goodwin wrote:
> Start time : 19:30 (7:30pm)
> Location   : Senokian office, Coventry.
> Topic      : Javscript
> Duration   : 1-2 hours (I'd suspect)
> Cost       : FREE
> * No knowledge of PHP is required... so everyone/anyone is welcome. *
> Paul will be giving a presentation on Javascript; which is likely to 
> include stuff like DOM, prototype, scriptalicious, mochikit and all 
> the other stuff, and no doubt some AJAX. So afterwards you'll be well 
> placed for the coming Web2.0+ revolution (!).
> If anyone else wishes to talk as well, they're obviously welcome - 
> just let us know.
> I suspect after the techie bit we'll head off to the nearby pub on the 
> ring road (as last time). I suspect lifts to the train station after 
> the meeting will be available.
> To get an idea of numbers, please add your name to the list below if 
> you  wish to attend.
> * Going
> =======
> David
> Kat
> Paul
> Sam
> <add your name(s) here/>
> * Can't/won't make it
> =====================
Peter Crouch

Once again I have to attend a meeting in Wolverhampton on the same 
eveing as the PHP WM meeting!

I hope it goes well - best wishes,

Peter Crouch
Tel:    0121 523 6756
E-mail: pccrouch at bcs.org.uk

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> thanks,
> David.

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