[Phpwm] New PHP book from Wrox Press

Phil Beynon phil at infolinkelectronics.co.uk
Wed May 16 10:07:19 BST 2007

> Hello,
> I am writing to announce a brand new book from Wrox Press. Professional 
> Search Engine Optimization with PHP   is for PHP developers who need to 
> incorporate search engine optimization principles into their web 
> applications, as well as marketers who want to gain a better 
> understanding 
> of the technologies involved in search engine marketing.
> If your user group would like to review this book at an upcoming, please 
> send me an email with your shipping information. If you haven't done so 
> already, we encourage you to sign up for the Wrox User Group Program. 
> (www.wrox.com/go/usergroups)
> Thank you,
> Colleen Hauser
> Wrox Press

Does that mean we all get a free copy? :-)


Phil Beynon
Sales director

** Infolink Electronic Systems Ltd. http://www.infolinkelectronics.co.uk
** Professional Web Design & Cobalt Hosting Solutions
** Contact: Sales at infolinkelectronics.co.uk
** Tel / Fax 0121 441 3558 

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