[Phpwm] Legal Talk - Abstract (15th Nov)

David Goodwin david at codepoets.co.uk
Wed Nov 7 11:32:07 GMT 2007

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Richard's provided an abstract - see below :

Richard Nicholas, IT lawyer in Browne Jacobson's Birmingham office, has
been advising businesses on IT contracts for the last eight years.
Richard acts for  customers, suppliers and developers of software and
advises on a wide range of IT and commercial matters including the
development, licensing, distribution and procurement of software, data
protection, outsourcing and e-commerce.  Richard's clients include FTSE
100 companies, government bodies and small to medium sized software

Richard spends some of his time advising companies on websites and the
legal issues surrounding the use of those websites - in particular when
trading online.  He'll be looking at how businesses can use a website
for marketing and sales without being sued

Recognising that this may not be of interest to all PHP users he will
also be covering intellectual property rights and opensource software
and in particular issues to look out for when using opensource software
when providing services to others.

He will be using a real (anonymised) case study of a contract provided
to an open-source web designer by a large corporate body to highlight
legal pitfalls for the unwary software developer.

Hope this is useful


- --
David Goodwin

[ david at codepoets dot co dot uk ]
[ http://www.codepoets.co.uk       ]
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