[Phpwm] Social venue.... voice your opinion over which pub now!

Peter Crouch zen16842 at zen.co.uk
Thu Apr 3 16:47:51 BST 2008

Hi David,

David Goodwin wrote:
> Hi,
> Two options :
> 1) Somewhere new ....  Little Lark, Studley (near Redditch) :
> Pie factory type place (i.e. desperate dan, massive fat git pie,
> probably contains enough to feed a family of 4 in one go ... )
This definitely works for me!
> Opinions in an email please...
> David.
I would also like to take up your kind offer of a lift from/to Redditch 
station.  There are trains from Birmingham due in at 18.25 and 18.53.  
Please let me know which would give you time to get to the Little Lark.  
The late trains back to Brum are at 21.57, 22.27 and 22.57.

Thanks and best wishes,

Peter Crouch
Tel:   0121 523 6756
Email: pccrouch at bcs.org.uk

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