[Phpwm] Accessing class variable from sub function

Mike Tipping mike at etuna.co.uk
Wed Apr 16 12:09:46 BST 2008

This is probably a silly question but I can't work it out.

I'm using preg_replace_callback which takes a callback function as a
parameter. The call to preg_replace_callback is within a class and I need
the callback function to have access to the classes properties, but can't
work out how to give it access.

So with something like this:

Class myclass {

  public someData = array();
  function replaceText($someText) {
    function callbackFunc($matches) {
    reg_replace_callback('/{id="1"}/' ," callbackFunc", $fileContent);


What do I need to replace xxx with to access the array someData?

Or am I approaching this in completely the wrong way?



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