[Phpwm] Moving attachments from one node to another in Drupal 5

Simon simon at needanother.co.uk
Sun Apr 20 15:19:32 BST 2008


Slightly off topic but still PHP related.

I'm using Drupal 5, and one of my nodes
(http://www.needanother.co.uk/tye/node/2) has several attachments which are
basically one PDF file per month.

To stop this node getting too long, every month I want to move the older
attachments into another node.

Now, I suppose I could manage this by altering the database directly to
update the node number for the attachment, but I'd rather do so within
Drupal itself (using a module, perhaps).

I've been looking for a solution to this for some time, without success, and
I'm amazed that it appears nobody else has this need.  I can see you could
probably upload the PDF files again in the new node, but that seems like too
much hard work.

Has anyone seen the functionality I require in a module they've installed,
or does anyone have an idea how I can achieve this?

Many thanks

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