[Phpwm] meeting / website (and some questions)

Bronwen Reid info at bronwenreid.com
Sat Feb 9 20:29:34 GMT 2008

Hi I'm up for a meeting.  Social or technical - whatever?
And is this the 2nd Tuesday again, that worked well, I could stick it in 
the diary.

David Goodwin wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi,
> It's been ages since we last had a meeting (well nearly two months now).
> So,
> 1a) Who wants a meeting?
> 1b) Social or Technical?
> 1c) Any ideas for discussion ? (E.g. Zend Framework, Lucene, Xapian,
> Symfony (Mr Beale?), $random_cms/drupal/etc, Security .....)
> 1d) Venue suggestions? I think I'd prefer somewhere in Birmingham (for a
> change).
> 2) For the new members to the list, feel free to edit http://phpwm.org
> (E.g. add yourself to http://www.phpwm.org/memberlist ) - the username
> is : 'phpwm' and the password 'ilovephp'.
> Thanks
> David.
> - --
> David Goodwin

Bronwen Reid, Web Development  www.bronwenreid.com

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