[Phpwm] [OT] intro, hello, etc.

Phil Beynon phil at infolinkelectronics.co.uk
Tue Jan 8 16:45:49 GMT 2008

> | Its really hard going through life having one of these darn
> foreign names
> | that no one ever spells right you know! :-)
> |
> Errk.. sorry. Clearly I've had some sort of mental block as I've always
> read/written your name as Benyon!

LOL - a lot of people do it, I've had odder versions of it many times before
now though. Its absolutely not anything I take offence at though!

It's Welsh in case anyones interested.......

> Reminds me of when I had a shell script doing '> ouput.txt'... took me
> ages to realise I'd dropped a 't'.

Heh, I think we've all done that at some stage, it keeps you remembering
your're human though and the computer is always right! :-)
Mind you, most of the swearing in here is still directed at the Linux
machine, though I have now managed to get the USB wifi thing working on it -
only took 3 months! I guess the next three will be getting it to see the
network printers.....!


> David.

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