[Phpwm] Switch off errors to screen - apache

gary denham gary at dunns.co.uk
Tue Nov 11 11:23:47 UTC 2008

We seem to be switching the php error reporting on and off ok, but still 
get the error for the sql on the page, is this another setting?


Here's what we are seeing

Error reporting on

Warning: pg_query() [function.pg-query]: Query failed: ERROR: relation 
"tbcompany" does not exist in 
/srv/www/vhosts/dunnstest/lib/classes/class.pgdb_handler.php on line 47
Query failed : SELECT tblohead.oh_id, tblohead.ad_id, 
tblohead.oh_status, tblohead.oh_despatchdate, tblohead.oh_cusref, 
tblohead.oh_orddate, tblohead.neg_id, tbldepartment.ad_id, 
tbldepartment.cu_id, tblcompany.cu_name FROM tblohead, tbldepartment 
LEFT OUTER JOIN tbcompany ON tblcompany.cu_id = tbldepartment.cu_id 
WHERE tblohead.ad_id = tbldepartment.ad_id AND oh_orddate > now() - 
interval '30 days' AND neg_id = '7' AND oh_status <> 'X' ORDER BY oh_id 
DESC : ERROR: relation "tbcompany" does not exist

Error reporting off

Query failed : SELECT tblohead.oh_id, tblohead.ad_id, 
tblohead.oh_status, tblohead.oh_despatchdate, tblohead.oh_cusref, 
tblohead.oh_orddate, tblohead.neg_id, tbldepartment.ad_id, 
tbldepartment.cu_id, tblcompany.cu_name FROM tblohead, tbldepartment 
LEFT OUTER JOIN tbcompany ON tblcompany.cu_id = tbldepartment.cu_id 
WHERE tblohead.ad_id = tbldepartment.ad_id AND oh_orddate > now() - 
interval '30 days' AND neg_id = '7' AND oh_status <> 'X' ORDER BY oh_id 
DESC : ERROR: relation "tbcompany" does not exist

Alex Mace wrote:
> You can turn it on or off with this code
> // On
> ini_set( 'display_errors', 1 );
> // Off
> ini_set( 'display_errors', 0 );
> You might find it better log errors through the apache error log  
> though. That should have the page that they appear on...
> On 11 Nov 2008, at 10:55, gary denham wrote:
>> Thanks, I tracked down the php settings in the php.ini file and  
>> switched
>> them off, most our work is internal where its useful for us to see the
>> errors, is there a way of switching error reporting back on at page  
>> level?
>> Gary
>> Dave Holmes wrote:
>>> Are you talking about PHP errors or HTTP errors and the apache error
>>> pages?
>>> If it's PHP look for these settings in your ini file
>>> error_reporting
>>> display_errors
>>> You will need to restart apache
>>> gary denham wrote:
>>>> Hi
>>>> We need to switch off error reporting to screen on our apache web  
>>>> server
>>>> can anyone know how to do this.
>>>> Regards
>>>> Gary
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