[Phpwm] Switch off errors to screen - apache

Darren Beale public.darren.beale at siftware.co.uk
Tue Nov 11 11:33:00 UTC 2008

> Query failed : SELECT tblohead.oh_id, tblohead.ad_id,
> tblohead.oh_status, tblohead.oh_despatchdate, tblohead.oh_cusref,
> tblohead.oh_orddate, tblohead.neg_id, tbldepartment.ad_id,
> tbldepartment.cu_id, tblcompany.cu_name FROM tblohead, tbldepartment
> LEFT OUTER JOIN tbcompany ON tblcompany.cu_id = tbldepartment.cu_id
> WHERE tblohead.ad_id = tbldepartment.ad_id AND oh_orddate > now() -
> interval '30 days' AND neg_id = '7' AND oh_status <> 'X' ORDER BY oh_id
> DESC : ERROR: relation "tbcompany" does not exist

That looks like an application error, e.g. it's not a PHP warning, rather
your code (or an external library) is spitting that out


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