[Phpwm] Site search recommendations

elliot at townx.org elliot at townx.org
Tue Nov 25 10:29:44 UTC 2008

Hello David,

Quoting David Goodwin <david at codepoets.co.uk>:

> Hash: SHA1
> Mike Tipping wrote:
>> I need to add an internal site search to a site I'm currently working on.
>> Does anyone have any favourites or recommendations of what to use?
> Zend_Search_Lucene will work well - but it's not very fast, and doesn't
> scale that well. I used it on one project, and in retrospect wish I
> hadn't bothered.

That's interesting David. Haven't used it myself, but I know a couple  
of people on this list rated it.

> If you want to put a lot of data in it, or need speed, I'd suggest you
> use one of the various standalone indexing tools like xapian, sphinx or
> the java version of lucene - these will have a long running process and
> will provide far better performance.

How do you integrate these things with PHP? Are there decent PHP  
wrappers round a Lucene process, for example? Do you present it as a  
web service? Low-level sockets? Or do you write your own command line  
wrapper or something?


> David.
> - --
> David Goodwin
> [ david at codepoets dot co dot uk ]
> [ http://www.codepoets.co.uk       ]
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