[Phpwm] Document management - sync web app and file system

Ian Munday ian.munday at illumen.co.uk
Tue Nov 25 14:42:24 UTC 2008

On 25 Nov 2008, at 11:24, David Goodwin wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Ian Munday wrote:
>> Hi all
>> I have an existing web app that has some basic document management
>> capabilities, allowing users to store documents under 'projects'.
>> However, rather than managing all these documents solely through a  
>> web
>> interface, there is a requirement to make this process more efficient
>> via a user's desktop.
> Is making a webdav interface a possibility? I've no idea as to what's
> involved, only that it would presumably allow $clients to access files
> etc as if they were a mapped network drive. As it's backend is Apache
> etc, /presumably/ PHP can be involved?

Hi David

WebDAV is one of those things I've been sort of aware of, but never  
really looked into much.  I've just spent a little while looking into  
it now though and I get the sense from various blogs and forums that  
it can be a pain to implement.  Get it right though and it can work  

Is anyone aware of any libraries that would assist?  (I looked at  
Zend_File_Transfer, but unfortunately the only adapter currently  
available is HTTP.)



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