[Phpwm] displaying images on screen

Alex Mace alex at hollytree.co.uk
Thu Oct 2 13:49:09 UTC 2008

Technically you also need to pass this back first

header('Content-type: image/jpeg');

to make sure that the recipient (probably a browser) recognises it as  
an image.

On 2 Oct 2008, at 14:45, Dave Holmes wrote:

>             //write out the image to the browser
>             imagejpeg($destination_image, NULL, 100);
> Dave Holmes
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> dave at neteffekt.co.uk
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> alan dunn wrote:
>> This probably has an easy answer, but we haven't found it.
>> We have an archive of jpeg images. We want to open one using GD  
>> library
>> $im1 = imagecreatefrom jpeg($pathname.$filename);
>>  rotate it:
>> $im1 = imagerotate($im1,-90,0);           .... and display it on  
>> screen.
>> How do we get to display the image which is now represented by  
>> resource
>> $im1?
>> We know you can do it by saving the rotated image back to somewhere  
>> then
>> displaying the saved image - but that's a lot of overhead just to  
>> show a
>> temporarily rotated image.
>> Any help much appreciated, thanks, Alan Dunn
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