[Phpwm] OT - PHP Contract roles in Walsall

Paul Matthews paul.matthews at mobilefun.co.uk
Thu Jan 29 14:00:21 UTC 2009

I agree with David completely,

I have found a job as a result of this mailing list and to take away the
part of it's function is surely going to reduce popularity.

I don't see any harm in Will (or others) posting jobs to the list,
especially when he makes the email so easy to filter. He doesn't appear to
post non-relevant jobs and all of his emails are obviously written
specifically for the list, not generated.

For those people (like myself) who are happily in a job and have no
intention of moving, it might bring piece of mind that there are still php
jobs out there.

I would suggest that if anyone is worried about being spammed by phpwm, that
they should sign up to the daily digest instead. Bearing in mind that jobs
have been posted on this list for years, so it's hardly a new invasion.


Paul Matthews



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