[Phpwm] Understanding code to the knitty-gritty level

Alex Mace alex at hollytree.co.uk
Fri Jun 26 15:17:42 UTC 2009

That reminds me - has anyone got the PHP source? I need to use some  
PHP and this is how open source works right? Please remove your  
patches before passing it on.

On 26 Jun 2009, at 16:06, Dave Holmes wrote:

> That's laughable...
> As an ex delphi developer there is no way this idiot can understand  
> the complexities of the VCL to a nitty gritty level. And they  
> obviosuly don't understand open source as if any tom dick or harry  
> can just both code and pass it on....
> Bronwen Reid wrote:
>> Posted for general amusement more than anything else.
>> Working on a recent project where the client had an in-house system  
>> to
>> manage product catalogue and stock, and their own programmers who
>> weren't very web (or php) friendly.   We had a script to send them
>> updates by ftp, and occasionally it would fail to connect.
>> Here we are being told off for using the php ftp functions.
>>> Now in our industry we have 3rd party components developed and  
>>> sold by well
>>> known companies to do these functions. When we have a bug a  
>>> failure like this
>>> we can go back to them and get it fixed. Recently we uncovered a  
>>> bug in the
>>> Delphi 2009 web service file download function and we are able to  
>>> apply
>>> pressure to get it fixed
>>> Now I believe in your industry you will be using lot of open source
>>> components. In my opinion it has a problem of every Tom, Dick and  
>>> Harry
>>> modifying the code by the time it reaches you. I personally do not  
>>> accept code
>>> from anyone
>>> 1) Unless I understand the code to the knitty gritty level
>>> 2) I know the person who wrote it to get any modifications and bug  
>>> fixes done
>>> Now I do not want to argue about this or continue with my  
>>> preaching. But we
>>> need to get this project finished
>> >From Bronwen
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