[Phpwm] wysiwig editor

Phil Beynon phil at infolinkelectronics.co.uk
Thu Mar 5 21:41:09 UTC 2009

> I've always been taught that it was because IBM used entirely off the
> shelf parts to build the PC - the only bit they did themselves was the
> BIOS. Once that had been reverse engineered clone makers could make
> completely compatible machines, whereas Apple's and everyone else's
> stuff didn't use off the shelf parts and were thus harder to clone...
> If anything it was Bill Gates who popularised the PC because he
> happily sold his software for any computer that could run it, whereas
> Apple wouldn't.
> Alex

No, it wasnt that at all - Apple didn't like it and instantly sued anyone
selling clones.
The two main ones that got sued being Peanut computers and Alphatronics, I
worked for the latter.

Later we got round this by selling systems with no BIOS since this was the
copyrighted bit, the customer waa then supposed to buy one from an Apple
dealer as a "spare part" - Apple then suddenly didn't have any stock of

Internally they were pretty much all standard TTL / CMOS type stuff, as were
the IBMs. It was only really in the later 286, 386sx mainboards that ASIC
type devices were found.

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